Thanksgiving 2007 w/Duane & Ann
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We've set up some walls to keep the breeze away
Duane slowly lowers the bird into the hot oil. Don't burn my hand!
It's about 350 degrees in there
Ann observes the critical operation
All that cardboard helps to contain the splatter
Onions are sauteed
Now the bird emerges!
Mmmmm . . green beens & pecans
The yams are being candied
Very good!
Here's our feast
Get a good angle for the shot!
Green beans & mushroom soup
Cranberry pecan stuffing
The green beans & pecans we saw earlier
Of course, potatoes & gravy!
Tender, moist delicious turkey
Yams, ready to eat
Sudden jump to Friday, Duane & I are making quarter round
That's a beautiful cherry board
The flash freezes that 22,000 RPM router bit
You can even see wood chips flying
Now we've stained and finished
Beautiful wood grain