Jim starts the video interviews with Doug Gilbert, Norman Wells and Rose Workman
Warren Mooers, Lynn Miracle, Tim Reese, Yvette Maldanado
Carl Jackson, Tom Mooers, Brian Abernethy, Tim Reese, Susan Rossetti,
Jonathan Vehar, Ceci Nakagama
Johnny Johnson, Rose Workman, Norman Wells
George Eldridge begins the magic show
George does magic as the Bride and Groom are photographed outside
Doug Gilbert, Ken Dershowitz, Debbie Dershowitz(obscured), Lynn
Eldridge, George Eldridge, Mike Neary
Tim Reese, Rhyan Reese, Denise Reese, Rhobyn Reese, Julie Denmion, Eric
Tamara Seebach, Marie Ann Donaldson, Alice Johnson, Stan Johnson, Johnny
Johnson, Rose Workman, Norman Wells
JC Edwards, Pat Edwards, Oscar Pardo, Elizabeth Pardo, Dave Rumph, Jane
(clockwise from bottom) Brittany Thomas, Arlene Thomas, Jim Thomas, Alan
Thomas, Scott Lacy, Maryann Lacy, Carl Jackson, Jeff Hough, Mary
Lisa Anderson, Louis Gonzales, Jeff Maynard, Alex Donahue, Johanna
Marshall, Dave Ferris
Corinne Dayton, Helen Timan, Mark Auville, Reilly Auville(hidden), Jen
Auville, Connie Hein
(clockwise from left) Nancy Mooers, Tom Mooers, Doris Mooers, Warren
Mooers, Carolyn Castellani, Marc Madregal, Lulut Garcia, Brian Tucker,
Angie Tucker
Nancy McIlwain, Mark Alfassa, Jonathan Vehar, Susan Rossetti, Reid
Nakagama, Ceci Nakagama
(clockwise from bottom) Chris Miller, Cheryl Bhence, Blaze Bhence,
Christine Dodd, Bryan Dodd, Matt Dailey, Jennifer Wayland